



Businesses Giving Hope to Women Affected by Domestic Abuse

One in four (some are now saying one in three) are women impacted by the harmful effects of a domestically abusive relationship. This makes it likely you have employees or customers who have experienced these harmful relationships. Your gift will help create safer communities. 


"Domestic violence and sexual assault walk in the front doors of each and every workplace every day here in the United States."

Kim Wells, Executive Director - Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence


What Does It Mean to Become a Hope Giver Business Partner?

You will...

  • Feel great about helping abused women and providing a safer workplace and community
  • Get a “shout out” on the Living Waters of Hope Facebook page and in our weekly e-newsletter
  • Receive a Hope Giver Business Partner window cling to let your community know you stand for hope and justice
  • Receive informational resources for the workplace

Why is a Safe Workplace Important?

Since many of our wounded sisters work, we believe that raising awareness about domestic abuse and workplace safety is important. 

Do you know what you would say if an employee or even customer confided in you that they are in an abusive relationship?

The CARE Model we have created will help you and your staff take the first steps in being an effective support person. This is our gift to you.

Become A Hope Giver Business Partner Today
Free Gift Download CARE Model PDF

“Domestic violence not only affects your employees—for you it can become a security and liability issue. It’s important to understand its impact on employers and employees, and how to recognize and respond to domestic violence in the workplace.”*

Linda Blozie
Director of Training and Prevention, Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
*said March 18 during CBIA's 2021 Human Resources Conference

Current Hope Giver Business Partners

With deep appreciation, we want to recognize the business who have chosen to invest in safer and healthier communities where respect and caring for one another is a high value.

Become the Next Hope Giver Business Partner Today