Resources for Survivors, Support People, and Helping Men Who Are Abusive

Find books and other educational resources to help you understand domestic abuse.

Support People
Books, resources, & trainings to help you support others and understand domestic abuse.

Help for Men
If a man has a heart of repentance these resources are a great place to start.
An Easy Place to Start Understanding Domestic Abuse
The Power and Control Wheels combined with the Cycle of Abuse are powerful in understanding and explaining domestic abuse.
Learn More and Get DownloadsResources for Survivors
Learn about domestic abuse to be proactive in setting boundaries.
These are also great for faith leaders/support people to better understand the experience of domestic abuse.
24/7 National Abuse Hotline
800.799.7233 | Text "Start" to 88788
Local Resources
Google "domestic abuse resources" with your county or zip code
3 Key Choices to Deeper Healing
In February 2024, LWOH Founder and Executive Director, Diane Schnickels, participated in an online summit "Flourishing After Domestic Abuse".
This is her talk and a printable download to go with it.
Download HandoutThe Emotionally Destructive Marriage
For any woman caught in an emotionally destructive marriage, Leslie Vernick offers a personalized path forward. Based on decades of counseling experience, her intensely practical, biblical advice will show you how to establish boundaries and break free from emotional abuse.
*description from Amazon
Buy on AmazonAngry Men and the Women Who Love Them
An invaluable aid for the man who batters, the woman who feels trapped, and the pastor, counselor, or friend who desperately wants to help them both, Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them offers straight answers for those willing to overcome the cycle of violence. The revised and updated edition includes a new chapter that discusses the physiological and psychological changes in the brain when abuse occurs...
*description from Amazon
Buy on AmazonWhy Does He Do That?
This is NOT faith-based but a great resource. Bancroft is well educated in the area of abusers and domestic abuse. He is highly regarded in the field and his books are basics to domestic abuse. This is a comprehensive book that has been helpful for women in understanding their abusers better. This book is valuable to help anyone understand the behavior and tactics of abusive men.
More resources on
Buy on AmazonThe Oasis Bible Study Series
The Oasis Bible Study is an online confidential and educational support class where women find a pathway to spiritual and emotional wholeness through the Word of God and the truth about abuse.
Take your first steps toward overcoming confusion and conflict in your family relationships with God’s help. Clarify what you believe about yourself and about your faith. If you are a victim or survivor seeking healing from your wounds of betrayal and abuse, this study is for you.
Resources for Support People and Faith Leaders
Don't give harmful advice. Learn about domestic abuse and the unique needs of survivors with the resources below - blogs, videos, pdfs, books, and trainings.
Give words of hope and healing instead of harm!
Pastor Mike shares a bit about what you need to know!
What are the signs? What does a woman in an abusive relationship need?
Faith leaders can make a huge difference for a Christian woman experiencing abuse.
Is It Abuse?
“You will learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior and to better understand its impact on victims—including children who are raised in a home with domestic abuse. Ultimately, you will become equipped to provide wise and Christ-centered counsel, empowering, and advocating for victims while navigating the complex dynamics of oppression in a marriage.”
*description from
Visit DarbyStrickland.comBecoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused
“Working in tandem with the resources and videos found at, this handbook brings together leading evangelical trauma counselors, victim advocates, social workers, attorneys, batterer interventionists, and survivors to equip pastors and ministry leaders for the appropriate initial responses to a variety of abuse scenarios in churches, schools, or ministries.”
*description from Church Cares
Get Free EbookCaring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse: A Guide toward Protection, Refuge, and Hope
Written by an experience team of biblical counselors, this book is a comprehensive, Christ-centered response to the spiritual, emotional, and physical harm that domestic abuse causes to the abused spouse, the abusive spouse, and their children.
Topics addressed include the biblical and theological foundations for counseling each family member impacted by domestic abuse, direction on how to counsel the victims (spouse and children) and the abuse, and how to offer practical, actionable help to protect families from harm. *description from Amazon
Buy on AmazonDomestic Abuse: Step by Step Abuser Intervention for Biblical Counselors
From Chris Moles “a Pastor and Biblical Counselor who helps churches and families confront the evil of domestic violence and promote healthy, God-honoring relationships.” Another valuable resource for every church leader and Christian man. “It is time for godly men in the church to call abusive men to repentance and accountability.”
He also offers an online coaching program for men who personal desire to take responsibility for and repent of the abusive patterns they’ve identified in themselves (see following section for more information).
Buy at ChrisMoles.orgHope Giver Essentials: Level 1 Domestic Abuse Training
Be equipped with the knowledge you need about domestic abuse and how to support those it affects. Become a Hope Giver because what you don't know CAN hurt someone.
This self-paced 4-part video series created by Living Waters of Hope is designed to help you restore hope and bring life to women affected by Domestic Abuse.
Each video features a true life survivor story to help you gain a clearer understanding of what domestic abuse looks like and how hidden it can be in our faith communities.
Become A Hope GiverIs your church safe & supportive to women experiencing abuse?
Will your leadership and staff know the difference between normal marital conflict and abuse? Use our Safe Church Assessment to find out if your church is prepared.
Safe Church AssessmentResources for Helping Men Who Are Abusive
A man with a heart of repentance who wishes to make the necessary changes in his life and marriage, will find these these resources a great place to start.
There is Hope: One Man's Journey from Abusive Anger to Redemptive Grace
Follow the actual events in the life of one man who found hope. The author chronicles his steps as this true to life horror story unfolded into a miraculous metamorphosis. You will see the conflict and love as he finds that transforming grace was there all along.
Ask yourself hard questions. Are you living in abuse? Are you advocating for a victim or should you? Are you abusive? Millions of victims are living in abuse, and their horrors are all too real. The author faced this reality and found answers. *description from Amazon
Buy on AmazonMen of Peace Self-Paced Course
The Men of Peace Self-Paced Course is the compilation of all of Chris Moles’ past Men of Peace coaching content plus brand-new material. This course will walk men through the three-fold Men of Peace process of Information, Transformation, and Reformation, educating and guiding men who are ready to take ownership of their abusive behaviors and surrender themselves fully to the Lord in true and lasting repentance.
*description from
Men of Peace Self-Paced Course