Pastor's Summit 2024

An online event for pastors and church staff to learn how to support and guide women and men using the CARE Model.

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Your role as a faith leader is crucial in helping a wounded sister find hope and healing.

83% of domestic abuse victims will go to their pastor for help. 


Only 4% said they would do that again.

Even with the best of intentions, the wrong counsel can revictimize an already wounded sister.

This can lead her to a place of deeper betrayal and hopelessness...and possibly leaving your church.

Let's change that statistic and this silent exodus together!

Join us on Tuesday, September 24th for a Domestic Abuse Training specifically designed for faith leaders and their teams.


  • The 4-Step Intervention Approach using the CARE Model

    • Care, Assess, Resources, Encouragement

  • The importance of and roles within a CARE Team

  • How to assess for danger

  • When the police get involved

  • What a restored marriage looks like


Throughout the training, Lead Pastors Jeff and John will be sharing their experiences helping those struggling with this silent yet all too prevalent issue in our churches.

Yes, I want to learn the CARE Model!

Meet Your Panelists and Host

Pastor Jeff Jennings

Lead Pastor of Bethany Church - Canby, OR
Pastor Jeff met with Diane this year seeking counsel on what to do in a unique situation that involved domestic abuse. He was not fully sure how to proceed even though he had taught about domestic abuse from the pulpit.

Pastor Jeff has a deep love for Jesus and the Gospel that permeates his teaching and life. He is passionate about loving our community and is not afraid of having difficult conversations in order to share Christ’s grace with others.

 Jeff has a Bachelor’s in English from Cal State Fullerton and a Master’s of Divinity from Talbot Theological Seminary.

He loves live music, reading/hoarding books, listening to podcasts, and running. He and his wife, Robin, were married in 2005 and they have two daughters and a son.

Pastor John Lindow

Lead Pastor of Arbor Heights Com. Church - Seattle, WA
Pastor John was a part of a training for elders at his church in 2023 with Diane. This training led them to later meet with Diane via Zoom to receive guidance on how to navigate a complicated situation in their congregation.

Pastor John has been Lead Pastor at Arbor Heights since 2017. He is in charge of preaching, vision, leadership development and helping his church follow Jesus wherever He leads. He believes that God's transforming work is both through accountability, a transparent community, and participation in God's mission to the culture and world around us.

He has been married for 20 years to an amazing wife and has two beautiful daughters in high school. In his spare time, he loves hanging with his daughters, golfing and reading. 

Diane Schnickels

Host, Founder, and Executive Director of Living Waters of Hope.
Diane will facilitate this event, discussing the CARE Model of Intervention and asking Pastor Jeff and Pastor John to share their experiences.

She is a Certified Domestic Abuse Advocate and a Certified Counselor. Living Waters of Hope is a 501c3 ministry seeking to restore hope and dignity to survivors of domestic abuse and equip others to do the same. 

The Oasis Bible Study, written by Diane, has been restoring hope and dignity to women around the country for the past ten years.  Women learn about abuse with God's Word woven through each lesson. 

She has led virtual and in-person training seminars for faith leaders and enjoys speaking to women's groups. Being a voice for our wounded sisters is her passion.

She enjoys spending time with her family and being in God's Word.

Register Today!

The Pastor's Summit will NOT Cover the Basics of Domestic Abuse

However, we created Hope Giver Essentials to do just that!

Hope Giver Essentials is a Level 1 Domestic Abuse Training consisting of (4) 30 minute videos to equip you with the knowledge you need about domestic abuse and how to support hose it affects.

Learn the basics of domestic abuse to care well or those you are shepherding.

Hope Giver Essentials


Level 1 Training

  • (4) 30 minute videos
  • Learn what domestic abuse is
  • Learn to recognize the signs of domestic abuse
  • Learn how to respond to domestic abuse
Get Your Free Training!

NOW IS THE TIME to become a safer & more knowledgeable leader 

Yes, I Want to Be a Part of Pastor's Summit 2024