




What does abuse look like in a Christian marriage?

A husband can use Scripture to manipulate & control you. This is confusing & disorienting - making it difficult to know what God wants for you.

Do any of the examples below look familiar?

It can be hard to accept that you are in an abusive marriage.

But you need to in order to begin healing and gaining clarity. How do you do that? 

  • Acknowledge that it is happening and that it is not your fault.
  • Understand the tactics used to gain and maintain power and control over you. Our Understanding Domestic Abuse page can help.
  • Identify narcissistic traits, like the lack of guilt or shame for what they do or say.
  • Change your responses to the Cycle of Abuse to help minimize its effects.
  • Learn all you can about domestic abuse through books, videos, and classes (like the Oasis Bible Study classes).
  • Pull together a support system of safe & trusted individuals (have them learn about domestic abuse - Hope Giver Essentials is a good place to start).
  • Seek professional help from a trained counselor, if possible.
  • Lean on God and His truth in all things. 
Take the next step - Oasis Bible Study Support Classes