It can be hard to accept that you are in an abusive marriage.
But you need to in order to begin healing and gaining clarity. How do you do that?
- Acknowledge that it is happening and that it is not your fault.
- Understand the tactics used to gain and maintain power and control over you. Our Understanding Domestic Abuse page can help.
- Identify narcissistic traits, like the lack of guilt or shame for what they do or say.
- Change your responses to the Cycle of Abuse to help minimize its effects.
- Learn all you can about domestic abuse through books, videos, and classes (like the Oasis Bible Study classes).
- Pull together a support system of safe & trusted individuals (have them learn about domestic abuse - Hope Giver Essentials is a good place to start).
- Seek professional help from a trained counselor, if possible.
- Lean on God and His truth in all things.