






Domestic Abuse Awareness Tools

 Bring the Pieces Together

Raise Awareness | Help Women Find Hope

Digital and Printed Options Below

Do you want to talk to you pastor but aren't sure the best way to do it?

Become an Oasis Ambassador to get the support you need to make a life changing difference for the women in your church! 

Become an Oasis Ambassador
Teen Dating Resources

Digital Resources

Begin to create a safer church today with these downloadable resources

Graphic for Bulletin

Insert this graphic into your church bulletin to let women know about the Oasis Bible Study

(right click image once downloaded to save)

Download Graphic

Announcement Slide

Use this slide in your church announcements to share about upcoming Oasis Support Classes

(right click image once downloaded to save)

Download Slide

Printable Restroom Stall Flyer

If you need something quickly, we have created a printable flyer. Order your free high quality printed flyers with tear off sheets below!

Download Now

High Quality Printed FREE Materials

These printed resources can be used in a variety of ways to educate and raise awareness.

Oasis Support Class Flyers with Tear Off Tabs

Place these on the back of the women's restroom stall doors. These flyers allow women to find support in a private way.

Order Flyers
Domestic Abuse Awareness Poster

These posters are great on bulletin boards to help raise awareness about the serious issue of domestic abuse.

Order Posters

Double sided rackcard can be displayed to let people know about Living Waters of Hope.

Order Rack Cards
Oasis Bible Study Business Card

These cards let women about the Oasis Bible Study. There is nothing noting domestic abuse on them so they are safe to give to women who might be living in a dangerous situation but still lets them know about the support classes. 



Order Business Cards

Healthy Teen Relationship Posters

Faith-based and Secular posters to educate teens on what healthy/unhealthy relationships look like

Teen Dating Abuse Resources

Faith Based Healthy Teen Relationships Poster

Put up in youth rooms, bathrooms and on bulletin boards. If you would like to download and hand out, click image for pdf.

Order Up to 5 Printed Posters

Faith Based Healthy Teen Relationships Poster

Created for public schools/secular organizations to put in youth areas. If you would like to download and hand out, click image for pdf.

Order Up to 5 Printed Posters

More Domestic Abuse Resources

Tangible ways to support a woman in crisis. 

What You Need to Know