Domestic Abuse is happening all around us, often unnoticed.

What will you do when someone in your life shares her story of control and abuse?

Build Stronger Relationships!

Learn how to listen, support, and respond.

Trauma Informed Care Webinar:

April 17th at 10 AM PT|1 PM ET or 5:30 PM PT|8:30 PM ET

Register Today

Are YOU ready?

Do you want to create a more compassionate ministry? Or better understand a loved one in a hard marriage?

You need these 5 strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive environment to best support a survivor so they can navigate their life successfully.
I want to be ready! Save my spot!
April 17th with 2 Time Options 

Create a Safer Community!

Now is the time to increase your ability to provide effective support!

Join us, April 17th

to hear from Christine Mousel, a Certified Trauma-Informed Coach, and be equipped to:

  • Recognize the Hidden Signs of Domestic Abuse and Trauma

  • Properly Assess and Screen Situations Without Bias

  • Understand the Impact of Trauma

  • Offer the Best Kind of Support to Foster Healing and Restoration

  • Connect Survivors with Additional Resources, as Needed

As people of faith called to compassion, we must be prepared to listen, support, and respond in ways that truly help with the trauma effects caused by abuse and control.
Don't Miss Out | Register Now

Gain Clarity & Insight

Understand the best ways to approach helping a woman experiencing abuse.

Discover Helpful Resources

You many not have what you need to help a specific situation. 

Determine Next Steps

Learn how to asses what is going on and how to provide support.

Gain Confidence in Domestic Abuse Support

  • Do you know a woman in a hard relationship and aren't sure how to best help her?
  • Are you a faith leader wanting to safely support those who have experienced trauma?
If so, this webinar is for you!
I want to give the best support! Register Now

Meet Christine & Diane

Christine Mousel, CCC, ACTC

Certified Trauma-Informed Coach (and much more)

Christine's dedication to personal growth & learning led her to becoming a Transformational and Trauma-Informed Life Coach at Your True Identity.

She draws from her expertise and lived experience to empower women navigating life's challenges - with a special focus on healing from domestic violence. As a survivor, she deeply understands how trauma lingers.


Diane Schnickels

Founder & Executive Director of Living Waters of Hope

Diane is a Certified Domestic Abuse Advocate and a Certified Counselor. She is passionate about educating herself on the best ways to help women

She wrote the Oasis Bible Study, which has been restoring hope and dignity to women around the country for the past ten years. Women learn about abuse with God's Word woven through each lesson.

Register Today!

Click to Learn more about Christine>>

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

Proverbs 3:5-6