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Mothers Day and Domestic Abuse

May 12, 2024

Mother's Day can be a difficult day for many, and especially for Christian women who have experienced/are experiencing domestic abuse. The societal pressure to celebrate motherhood can clash with the pain of a broken relationship, the grief of lost dreams, and the ongoing challenges of healing.

But today, we want to offer a message of hope and strength.

The Bible is filled with stories of strong women who faced adversity. From Esther facing down a king to the unwavering faith of Ruth, these women demonstrate the incredible resilience God places within us. You, too, are a survivor, a warrior who has dug deep and found the resilience to protect yourself and your children (if you have them).

This Mother's Day, here are some ways to find grace and strength in your faith:

  • Reflect on God's unwavering love. Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God's love for you is constant, even when your own experience of love has been shattered.
  • Find solace in scripture. Read verses that speak of God's protection and comfort. Psalms 46 and 91 are beautiful reminders of His presence in our lives.
  • Seek support from a trusted Christian friend or counselor. Talking about your experiences can be a powerful step in healing.
  • Celebrate the strength you've found in Christ. You are a mother, even if your experience of motherhood is different than you imagined. You've shown immense courage and love in protecting yourself and your children.

Remember, you are not alone. There are Christian communities and organizations dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic abuse. Here are some resources that can help:

This Mother's Day, take time for yourself. Do something that brings you peace, whether it's reading scripture, spending time in nature, or connecting with a supportive friend.

You are a survivor. You are a mother. You are loved by God.

May God bless you on this Mother's Day and every day.

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