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Daughter Helps Mom Recognize Emotional Abuse - Oasis Classes Helped Her Thrive

Jan 21, 2024

Oasis participant and abuse survivor, Wendy, shares a bit about her story:

"Mom, this is emotional abuse and it's not okay", said my 16 year old daughter in reference to my marriage as she looked me in the eye one day.

I learned of Oasis Bible Study at a church I had been attending since my recent separation. I went online and ordered the Oasis Bible Study - Book TwoI received the book and began to read, I realized it was so full of exactly the information I needed and based on scripture. I immediately went back online and ordered the Oasis Bible Study - Book One and signed up for the Book Two Class.

As of January 2, 2024, I have taken classes for Book Two and Book Three. I participated in the 2023 Summer Support Class series by Christine Caine about Shame in our lives.

I am about to start a class on Book One and Book Two and plan on taking Book Three again this year.

Why would I start over?       

I love this community!

Without the education, support, compassion, and connections I have received through the Oasis Community, I honestly don't know how I would have survived this past year of my life. I am not only a survivor, but I am on a path to thriving because of the support, guidance, and understanding that has been poured into my life. Not to mention the teaching and growth of my daughters through this experience as well. 

Some solid truths I gained from my time connected to the Oasis Community this year:

  • I am not alone and I am deeply loved by Oasis Community which helps me be able to receive the love from my family and other friends who desire to support my daughters and myself on the journey of healing.
  • No person has power over me except the power I give that person. I have heard the famous quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I believed it, yet until I had allowed an abusive person to take my voice and identity in as intimate of a relationship as marriage, I didn't understand the depth of what she was communicating. 
  • My story is powerful and useful no matter how broken and useless I feel. Oasis classes allow me to glean from the other women who have gone before me, accept and receive love and support from people who really truly understand what I have been through. Finally, I can turn around and be that for other women coming in the community because I actually am able to feel compassion for others again.
  • Finally, my biggest treasure so far from the past year is gaining deeper understanding of Jesus being enough. I came across a quote by Pope Francis, "Faith is not a light that scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey." God will give me enough light for the season I am walking in. Even in the midst of deep darkness, not understand much about where I am where I am headed, He is there, the Light, showing me where to put my next step and just enough light behind me to see the solid straight line of footprints He has already helped me to take. Jesus is enough. 

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