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Pastoral Care for Domestic Abuse Survivors

Transforming Pastoral Care for Domestic Abuse Survivors: The CARE Model

domestic abuse education give hope safe churches Sep 06, 2024

Did you know that 86% of women experiencing domestic abuse will go to her pastor for help?


Only 4% said she would do that again.


As a pastor, you take caring for your community seriously, you wouldn't want that to be a statistic at your church.

You are their spiritual leader. A beacon of hope for those facing life's challenges.  You want to help those under your care. You might not know that right now, among your flock, there are women silently enduring the darkness of domestic abuse. You may think that this is a small that is on the edges of society. And yet, domestic abuse is a pervasive problem, affecting women from all walks of life and 1 in 4 Christian women.

You serve alongside these women and their controlling partners each week- wives of respected men in your community, women you see each week involved at your church, worshipping, and honoring God the best they can. Yet their homes are not safe for them. They pray, asking God to show them what to do and who is safe for them to share their hardship.

Do you know what to look for? How to be a safe place to find hope? Are you prepared to provide the support, understanding, and guidance they desperately need? As a faith leader, you have a unique opportunity to offer compassion, understanding, and support to these women.

By equipping yourself with knowledge about domestic violence, you can become a true hero to these women, leading them out of the darkness and into the light of healing and restoration. If the learning about domestic abuse is new to you, biblical resources are available. Our FREE Level 1 training, Hope Givers Essentials, will empower you to know what to look/listen for and how to respond in a way that restores a woman's hope and dignity.

Perhaps, you already understand the basics – you’ve learned about how harmful it can be to respond to a woman in a controlling relationship with the advice you'd give normal marital issues.... how it can cause revictimization which is pushing women away from churches and even their faith.  If that is you, thank you! We honor the steps you are taking to create a safe place for hurting women in your congregation. 

What a beautiful way to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2-9

Now we want to equip you to move beyond the basics and create a net of care for the women who need your help. The CARE Model of Intervention - our Level 2 Training - available September 24th as a FREE webinar - register here >>>

What is the CARE Model?

The CARE Model is a 4-Step Framework to effectively respond to abuse, it's essential to have a clear and structured approach. The 4-Step CARE Model provides a practical framework for pastors and their teams:

  1. Care: Establish a safe and supportive environment for survivors to share their experiences without judgment.
  2. Assess: Evaluate the situation to identify the severity of the abuse and potential risks.
  3. Resources: Connect survivors with appropriate resources, such as shelters, legal aid, and counseling services.
  4. Encouragement: Offer hope and support, reminding survivors of their worth and the possibility of healing.

The Roles Within a CARE Team

A well-functioning CARE Team involves various roles, which can overlap, based on your church:

  • Pastor: Provides spiritual guidance, leadership, and overall direction.
  • Lay Leaders: Offer support, empathy, and practical assistance.
  • Trained Advocates: Provide specialized knowledge and resources for survivors.
  • Community Liaisons: Connect survivors with external resources and services.

The Path to Restoration

Sadly, many women who share their abuse stories with faith leaders are unlikely to do so again. They often feel betrayed and hopeless, driving them away from churches. By investing in this training, you, as a pastor, can become a beacon of hope, a safe harbor where women can find the care and support they need to heal.

Imagine the impact you could have on your congregation if you and your team were equipped to provide the resources and guidance these women desperately seek. We understand that your time is valuable, but the potential reward of empowering women and strengthening your church community is immeasurable. Your leadership can be a catalyst for restoration, not only in their relationships with their abusers but also in their relationship with Jesus.

On Tuesday, September 24th, we invite you to participate in our Level 2 Domestic Abuse Training specifically designed for faith leaders and their teams. This comprehensive training will equip you with the knowledge and tools to:

  • Implement the 4-Step Intervention Approach using the CARE Model
  • Establish roles within a CARE TeamBuild a supportive environment for survivors
  • Assess for danger
  • Evaluate when to get involve the police
  • Recognize the signs of a restored marriage

By attending this training, you'll be better prepared to support your congregation members. We will guide you through the process to become a safe haven for women–to care for the oppressed and broken in spirit in a biblical way. 

Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those you serve. Register now at 2024 Pastor’s Summit.

And if you can’t make the training, don't worry, it will be offered in the near future as a self-paced training. Sign up for our newsletter to be kept in the loop!

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